B.O. Six Robotics in Rochester, MI is proud to contribute to the amazing world of robotics. Most of our used robots are rebuilt and used again. Our robots carry a one-year warranty for parts.
Our inventory changes regularly. Please contact us with your requirements.
Used Robots - We sell only the highest quality used robots - originally manufactured by industry leaders like ABB robotics, Kuka Robotics, Nachi Robotics, Motoman Robotics, Panasonic Factory Automation Company and FANUC Robotics.
Robot Rebuild - Robots are stripped down and all parts are evaluated for wear. We replace all worn out parts, high speed bearings, seals and gaskets. Robots are put through rigorous tests routinely to ensure the integrity of the unit. Controllers are cleaned and evaluated. Robots are painted in our enclosed spray booth.
Robot Reconditioning - Robots are evaluated for signs of wear. All gear boxes are purged of lubricant and all lubricant is replaced. Lubricant is inspected for signs of failing parts. Robots and controllers are cleaned and filters are replaced.
Preventive Maintenance - Yearly or rigorous preventive maintenance, using manufacturer specified lubricants, are conducted. We set up scheduled preventive maintenance appointments for your entire facility and conduct these for you on a routine basis.
Robot Repair - We repair robots that have broken down.
As you can imagine, working with manufacturers is never boring. We are able to create world-class robots by accessing the best robotic parts and equipment one can find.
Call us
now to find out more.